BSNL Broadband in Debian Linux…. plz help!!!!?
I am a Linux newbi, and am using Debian sarge as my distro! I also use BSNL Data One Broadband connection with Smart AX MT882 adsl modem. I had tried 2 install/compile the relevant drivers 4 the modem in linux 4m the supplied CD , but 2 no avail!! How can I connect to the internet 4m linux?? plz be kind enough to give fairly detailed description!!!
Tagged with: avail • broadband • bsnl • detailed description • distro • Linux • modem • newbi • relevant drivers • sarge
Filed under: Debian
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come on,BSNL does not need modem driver installation especially in linux.It will detect device.You have to just type the IP addresses as given in the pamphlet.I use mandriva and i configure it myself.