Are there open source libraries for Linux that allow us to change file types for video etc.?
I am asking if anyone can recomend open source libraries that can read and write different file formats, particularly the ones that mobile phones can understand such as 3gp or 3g2. We need to write a program (on Ubuntu) that allows the user to upload a .avi or .mov and have it converted to a .3gp for example. A bit like what is done here at…
Any suggestions…?
Tagged with: 3gp • file formats • mobile phones • mov • open source libraries • ubuntu
Filed under: Open Source
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Converting between video formats is a non trivial task. You won’t find a library that will just do it for you.
The original stream needs to be decoded, and then re-encoded into the new format.
However, there are some tools that will do it for you, that you could script.
Checkout transcode, and mencoder (comes with mplayer).